Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Finale

Changing some parts in the story is a good idea to shorten that lengthy piece of art. As I finished the book, I realized that the main problem is the interference of the so called “Gods ". The chapter that I will change is Chapter 3: How Menelaus and Alexandros fought a duel together, and what came of it.

Then Hector proposed both armies lay down their arms and let two men fight, the two men are Menelaus and Alexandros, also known as Paris. Menelaus agreed to it for he knew he was better than Paris. Paris may had some doubts on his abilities but with the help of his brother, he gathered enough courage and is determined to risk his life for the sake of Troy and for the sake of Helen. King Agamemnon, being the faithful king as he was, proposed to first offer gifts to the gods and make a pact that only Menelaus and Paris would fight and whoever wins would have his prize. The prize was Helen and all her wealth.

Menelaus and Paris prepared and armed themselves with the best armors they need and set foot on the battlefield. The heralds brought the gifts needed and King Agamemnon started the sacred ritual. The ritual went well. Menelaus and Paris then started the battle. It was an epic battle. No one could determine who was the better fighter. The fight lasted for a day and Hector stopped the fight for the men to rest. Agamemnon ,although wanted to know who wins and wants to end it there,agreed with Hector for he knows that if it lasts His brother might get killed.

They retreated and called it a day. Helen comforted and attended to Paris' needs.Menelaus, exhausted from the battle on the other side, ate and rested well but with anger in his heart knowing that it still is not finished. The day where it all ends came. Menelaus defeated Paris for he had rested while Paris lack sleep because he tire himself from some dirty acts. Achaeans cheered for they had won the battle. Hector gave Menelaus his prize and King Agamemnon made a truce between them. Ending the 10 - year conflict. King Agamemnon left and headed home while Hector and the Trojans rested and finally can breathe easily for they regained peace in their country.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Patroclos : Blood-lust and Courage

Patroclus is a companion who never leaves your side, a cousin who always cares about you and a warrior ready to die for the sake of honor. He was a good man who gave hope to the Achaeans who almost lost all courage that was left in them.He was sent by Achilles, according to the book "The Iliad” and Achilles ordered Patroclos to wear Achilles' armor for the men of the Trojans to sense fear, Fear that would help the Achaeans in overcoming the wrath of the Hector and his ever loyal men.

Patroclos was so good at handling spears and whenever he throws it, one would never doubt that patroclos can't hit something. Although he was trained well and experienced in battle, as any mortal would, He also died. He died by the hands of Hector. Hector Priamides thought that the man he killed was Achilles but when he stripped the armor of the enemy, he realized that the man is not Achilles but Achilles’ cousin, Patroclos. Hector immediately stripped his armor but he couldn’t drag the body because Achaeans came to the scene to atleast bring back the body of Patroclos to Achilles for Patroclos to have a formal burial. The Achaeans tried their best to guard and drag the body out of the battle but they are having a hard time trying to do so because Hector ordered the Trojans to get the body. Upon hearing Hector’s orders, the Trojans seemed like carrion dogs that are hungry for the price and honor in getting the body. They also want revenge for the comrades of theirs that Patroclos killed without mercy. The Fight for the body of Patroclos took a long time. Many died in the pursuit of the body but it seems that both sides only loses equal number of men that is why it looks as if it won’t end until one of the parties give up on retrieving the body. The death of Patroclos brought grief to Achilles because Patroclos was dear to him.

Sometimes too much of courage leads men to death. Courage should be put to good use. It is only for the purpose of saving someone’s life and the like. Patroclos truly showed Courage though he forgot what Achilles said to him and continued on killing and killing many more Trojans concluding that his courage somewhat turned into Boastfulness, Greed and Blood lust.